5 Key Benefits of 3D Technology for Architectural Design and Construction

Much faster than traditional site measurement methods
Today’s advance 3D laser digitizing technology, combined with the right expertise, offers speed, accuracy and reliability to meet demanding design and construction challenges head on.

Accurate and highly detailed 3D “as built” drawings and models
Our Team of 3D Experts deploys state of the art technology to achieve a level of detail that is not possible with conventional survey and construction site measurement methods. 3D ‘point cloud’ based ‘as built’
drawings and 3D models can improve designs and construction methods by proactively assessing possible interferences between newly designed elements and existing conditions.

High accuracy and confidence during construction
Within a very short window of time an entire job site can be digitized accurately. You can rest assured that everything needed has been captured in full 3D detail. This eliminates that need to return to site later because of a missed measurement or feature details.

Positional inspection for challenging steel structures
3D technologies can be used at any point during the design and construction process. This is particularly powerful to anticipating and addressing structural steel alignment and assembly challenges. When structures are pre-built off site, they can then be checked against design and later verified when re-built at site.

Multiple valuable uses of 3D measurement data from one site visit
You can get maximum value from 3D site digitizing because the resulting 3D data can be used by architects, civil engineers, the GC, and many subtrades to meet the measurement needs of each partner in the success
of the project.