If not resolved in a timely manner, small deviations between the physical building and the original drawings can become serious issues, causing delays and material waste. Therefore, it is critical to have the ‘as-built’ building condition measured and checked against the drawings at every project stage.
3D laser scanning (LiDAR) provides quick, accurate 3D measurements of the building structures and elements. When it is deployed in different stages of construction, you can detect early construction issues and develop corrective solutions before they get worse.
Here are five 3D laser scanning applications that can help you overcome challenges during construction:

On-going Monitoring and Quality Assurance
The 3D laser scanner is ultra-portable and our crews are ready to be deployed on short notice at the construction site to check the site's condition at any time. Scanning captures the ‘as-built’ condition of the site as high-quality point-clouds. It can be referenced against the CAD drawing or the BIM model to check for discrepancies.

Checking Floor Flatness and Levelness
Lean on 3D laser scanning and our expert crews to measure the floor flatness (FF) and floor levelness (FL) of a concrete slab. Positive and negative deviations can be determined. This allows your team to interpret details on complex surfaces and develop corrective adjustments accordingly.

Verifying Complex Steel Structures
To ensure building quality, complex steel structures need to be verified during and after construction. With our 3D laser scanning equipped crews, the data captured from the structure can be used to validate the positional accuracy of existing building structures.

Clash Detection & Interference Checks
Clash detection identifies if, where, or how two parts of the building interfere with one another. A 3D laser scan of existing conditions helps identify potential clashes in the BIM model. For example, identify the potential penetrations when installing facades or any exterior envelopes to help reduce shop fabricator drawing revisions.

Installing Building Envelope
By 3D scanning the “as-built” condition of the structure or building facade, our 3D experts quickly generates the 2D and 3D drawings with the exact dimensions for the glass. cladding sizing and installed embed & anchor locations. Compared to traditional measurement, it is faster and easier to design, install, and retrofit complex glass, cladding, and curtain walls.
Image Source: Leica-geosystems.com
3D Expertise to Exceed Today’s Building Standards
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